Star Trek Adventures

So, tonight saw the first game of Modiphius’ Star Trek Adventures RPG, and. I thoroughly enjoyed running it.

The players are as follows:

Commander Yedrin Eku, first officer – a joined Trill (played by Liam)

Lt. Commander Henry de Guzman, chief of security (played by Nate)

Lt. Commander Jack Starling, chief of operations (played by Sparks)

Lt. Commander Dorian Les, chief medical officer – an unjoined Trill (played by Kev from YouTube’s Rage Against the Dice)

Lt. Commander Thoss ch’Zynes, science officer – an Andorian (played by Alan from YouTube’s Rage Against the Dice)

The adventure saw the command crew of the USS Cassini, an Intrepid class Multi Role Explorer, observing a newly formed trinity star system created due to stellar drift. While the ship had to hold it’s location and perform a wide range of scans, the players took a shuttlecraft to investigate a mysterious large object at the extreme edge of the sensors. This turned out to be a huge ship carrying the last survivors of a long dead race on a collision course for the stars, with enough fission power to superheat one of the new suns. The players had the choice of breaking the prime directive (the inhabitants were from a pre-warp civilisation) or letting the entire race go extinct. They chose to save them but got into a fight in the process, which almost killed the first officer.

First impressions of the system are: I love it! It’s taken the best parts from previous iterations of Star Trek RPGs I’ve played in the past, and a great 2D20 system from Modiphius to make it a great system that feels very empowering and Star Trek-like.

I shall be doing a separate blog about the game itself, so keep an eye out for that a little later.

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